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Kerala Massage in Marathahalli Bangalore
Patricia Gryer
Ayurvedic Kerala massage in MarathahalliBangalore has many versions to it. You may find slight variations at every centre to help differentiate itself from its competitors.
Ayurveda finds its roots in India to be more than 10,000 years old. Ayurveda concentrates on ailments that can be healed using the nature s power form herbs, flowers etc. Each medicinal or therapeutic measure is directed towards possessing a healthy body, mind and soul. It is actually a bank full of elaborate and time-tested bounties of nature s blessing to mankind.
In Bangaluru, Kerala massage has gained a lot of popularity over the years for its rejuvenating and relaxing qualities. It uses specific herbs and oil for massage and therapeutic purposes with appropriate techniques to cure the problem. A center that has a professional staff can deliver the best results, and the Bangalore Genesis Hospital promises you everything that the best massage center must provide:
?Highly qualified and skilled staff
?Professionally trained personnel on latest development in the field of Ayurveda
? Massage provided under guidance and supervision of Senior doctors/consultants
A good Kerala massage in MarathahalliBangalore would provide you following options for massage if you are concerned for specific ailments:
Dhara, abhyangam, nasan,pizhchil, ksheeradhoomam, Njavarakizhi, sirovasthi, Vasthi, Urovasthi, udvarthanam, Snehapanam, Dhanam, lepanam and kativasti to name a few.
Kerela is blessed to have these vital and valuable shrubs and herbs grown in its land which have an proved to be an effective cure to serious as well as chronic ailments. These massages are effective in curing heart diseases, peptic ulcer, arthritis, stomach disorders, skin disesease, vascular disease, stress and many gynecological diseases. Apart from these specific diseases, a sure-shot benefit that comes along with these massages is that they leave you with a rejuvenated and replenished body, ming and soul and act as complete stress buster.
Other benefits that are an integral part of the Kerala massage are
?Increased immunity
?Increased stamina
?Higher level of energy and stress management
?Healthy and shiny skin and hair
?Healthy and strong digestive system
All these therapies, Ayurvedic medications and Kerala Massages in Marathahalli are always accompanied by certain restrictions like following a vegetarian diet, drug-free, alcohol free lifestyle and sometimes avoiding sexual acts during the course of the therapies. Accompanied with these, is a session of meditation and yoga exercises that is personalized, often prescribed by the consultant after studying ones medical history.
These Kerala massages in Marathahalli Bangalore, also in certain cases offers solutions to problems like obesity, sinusitis, migraine, neurological problems, skin disease, spondylitis etc.
For your massage needs visit www.bangaloregenesishospital.com for details or call Dr. Patil at 984 554 3015 for an appointment.
For your massage needs visit
kerala massages in Marathahalli Bangalore
for details or call Dr. Patil at 984 554 3015 for an appointment
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