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- Brand Strategy Vancouver
Submitted by: Sy Wemhaner
When talking to any insurance agents or brokers, we seem to hear the same question over and over again, why is it so hard to find a good insurance marketing agency? Unfortunately, just like in any business, there are good, bad, horrible and out-of-this-world companies in every industry. The trick in finding the right agency to help you with your marketing needs is to do your homework. Its like buying a car, a house, finding a mechanic, dentist, you get the idea. You have to do your homework, research, ask the right questions, ask for references. This is perhaps a different way at doing things but to survive in this new competitive world, we have to make some changes!
So how do you find the right agency for the insurance industry?
To start out, ask yourself one very important question. Is it important for the marketing agency you hire to know and understand your products and services? My answer, yes! If your answer is no, consider this. How will a marketing agency be able to brand and market your specific products properly without really understanding your core products, services, who you sell insurance to, and how to target your specific market? I suppose any marketing company can come in and flaunt their marketing skills and impress you with their abilities but we all know that there is a reason why specialists have a certain prestige in the worldit means they know their stuff better than others. So the same philosophy is applied here. Why trust your insurance agency with just any middle of the road marketing agency? You need a solid insurance marketing agency on your side that really gets what you do, why you do it, the challenges you face in finding your exact target marketing, and can partner with you to zoom in on your specific target market. Then you leave them be and let them do their marketing magic to get those customers to you.
Speaking of magic, lets talk a bit about online or Internet marketing since that can be a bit of an enigma to most of us who dont specialize in it. Its true that in the last decade, many so called specialists have entered the world wide web and have claimed to be SEO or Internet marketing or online marketing specialists but most have just looked for a get rich quick scheme and have give the rest of the industry a bad name. Its important to note though that just because youve seen a few bad apples, it doesnt mean theyre all bad. There are some viable proficient and note worthy agencies out there. You just need to do your homework before handing your credit card. So what does that homework entail? You need to study the company and ask, Who are some of their current or past customers?, Do you get a custom package or do you buy marketing in a box? How long did it take others to move up in search engine rankings or organic rankings? If you get promised the world or any much movement in less than 60 days, run! Online marketing takes time! Experts know that and those who know what theyre talking about will NOT promise you a thing in less than 60-90 days. Thats just the way this industry works. To see any viable long term consistent movement, you need at least 90 days of consistent internet marketing. One such expert in the insurance industry is Adovio. They dont make empty promises! They are expert online marketers but they also have an expertise in the field on insurance. Not convinced, check out their website at www.Adovio.com and then contact them for a consultation.
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and then contact them for a consultation.
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