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Submitted by: Edward Hulse
Time is a huge factor for working professionals. Between their jobs, family, and extracurricular activities they tend to keep very busy. Adding school on top of their already busy schedule is a huge commitment. There is a lot to consider when applying to different graduate programs. One must take everything into consideration and choose the best program for them. Since online education has become very popular with adult students we decided to talk about what one should expect when enrolling in an online class. We will take you through a week of an online student.
Going back to school can be a daunting task. Most people already have enough going on in their lives, let alone adding an extra 20 hours a week for education. Contrary to popular belief, online classes tend to be more difficult to most people who have done both online and traditional classes. Students state online classes need more attention, dedication, and motivation to be successful in them. They argue there is no one telling you when to log in and complete your assignments so it is easier to forget about them. In a traditional class you have to attend class at least once a week, sometimes more. The professor requires you to show up for their lecture or you lose participation points. In an online course everything is virtual-based, including your classmates and professors. You typically never meet any of them. So what is the motivation to do well in your group work if you are never going to have to answer to your group face-to-face? This is just one dilemma an online student faces.
Where you are in your life could have an influence in your choice. Are you a professional working 40+ hours a week or a new college student attending classes full-time? This could impact whether you choose an online or on-campus program. Also, what do you want your degree in? Can you find a local school that is known for its business programs or will you have to take online classes or relocate? These are tough questions to answer. Heavy research is typically involved when finding the best school that fits all of your needs.
Continuing your education is very important. It should not matter what the economy is doing. It is a best practice to be as up to date as possible on industry trends when making decisions for your company. You want to make an informed decision as opposed to an uninformed decision. The best part is, many employers will pay for an online education these days. You may have to commit to them for 1-2 years after completing the degree, but a free education is well worth it. You take the class, receive a passing grade; and then your company reimburses you for your tuition fees. It s that easy. To find out what internet courses qualify for tuition reimbursement, contact your human resources department.
During the past 5-10 years online education has dramatically increased in enrollment. There are now more programs available to online students than ever before. Whether someone is looking for a Bachelor s Degree in Nursing or a Master s Degree in Engineering, there is a school that offer s it online. Adults in particular, are very comfortable using the internet on a day to day basis. They typically use it at work or with their children. So doing their education over the internet is no big deal for them. It is more convenient than having to travel to a physical campus to attend class. If you are trying to balance your family, job, and school, this is a huge factor when deciding how to complete your degree. The internet is a great tool that has evolved and developed over the past 20 years. Not only can you do your degree online; you can do all of your research as well. It is a great tool for everyone to use.
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