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Electrical Safety Standards in WorkPlace NFPA 70e
Arc flash explosions are a serious hazard to anybody who works with electrical systems; this is a fact. With anything between 5 and 10 injuries per day in America alone, you need to be aware of the dangers and precautions you and your workers should be taking to negate or severely reduce the risks involved.
Arc blasts and arc flashes, as they’re more commonly known, are explosive electrical arcs created by a short circuit from one live conductor to another or to ground. Within 1/1000 of a second, the surrounding area temperature can increase to anything up to 35,000 degrees. This sudden heat surge blasts molten metal and debris outwards, causing further damage to the surrounding area. The lists of potential injuries due to arc flash
are as dreadful as they are varied, and not limited to individuals working next to the blast. Anyone within a 10 to 15 feet radius is in danger of serious burns through heat exposure and the incorrect protective clothing catching fire. Anyone caught within this vicinity is at risk of hearing damage due to blast sounds reaching anything up to 160 dB. Damage to sight is also possible, caused by the UV light emitted by vaporized metals. Of major concern are the flying shrapnel and molten metal emitted by the blast. This can travel far and cause massive damage to anyone within its vicinity and cause further problems with lungs when vaporized metal is inhaled. Concussive damage from blasts equivalent to several sticks of dynamite can cause memory loss and further neurological damage and impacts caused by falls and collisions from equipment can be fatal.
To reduce the risk of arc flash occurring, equipment should be de-energized before work is carried out. De-energising is not always practical or even possible, and sometimes a cause of arc flashes in itself. There are solutions out there that allow workers to operate, maintain and check equipment remotely, but they are not available to all and can be expensive. If it is entirely necessary to work with live equipment, you should adhere to the regulations and rules outlined in the NFPA 70E Standard
for Electrical Safety in the Workplace, available on the National Fire Protection Association website.
The NFPA 70E will help you to calculate the hazards and requirements needed for your workplace, and determine what areas need to be concentrated on. Professional arc flash analysis is available to outsource and is recommended, as are the proper labels and notices. It will also give you information on the proper level of PPE required for the equipment you work with. The proper PPE is something that cannot be ignored. Although it doesn’t negate injury due to arc flash, it does reduce the risks of fatalities and serious, life threatening and altering burns, something no one wants in the work place. You need to be aware of the risks of arc flash. Not only can it cause damage and cost to your electrical equipment, but to the health and safety of anybody working on it. Your number one aim should always be to make sure you are safe and secure and aware of the dangers of arc flash.
Adam Warne is an eminent writer and expert in issues on topic on
arc flash training
, hazards and accidents. To get free instructions and strategy on how to avoid arc accidents and work hassle free make use of arc flash videos free and best online resource . To know more about the arc accidents and avoid them with nfpa 70e arc flash safety clothing visit arcflashtrainings.com.
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