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Submitted by: Carterie Wright
Majority people have amazing goals that they want to achieve during their lifetime. However, majority become lazy and cease to take the planned actions to move them closer to their dreams . In this article, you’ll learn 4 major reasons why people are lazy and how you can beat laziness by reversing these reasons. When you have a better knowledge of laziness, you’ll learn how to stay away from this non productive habi and consequently start taking action to claim your goals
Most people are lazy because they have no worthwhile goal to achieve and even if they say they have one in life, they have almost zero interest in achieving their dream. In another words, they have no burning desire for their goal. The logic is simple: If they badly want to achieve something, they will start taking action instead of sitting in front of TV all day long.
Why don’t they have any burning desire?The answer lies in the reasons why they want to achieve their goals in the first place. If the reasons are weak, they will end up lying on the couch instead of doing work.
The second reason why people are lazy is the mindset and lifestyle factor. This is mainly due to how the person is brought up. Most likely, the person is not being taught the value of hard work. Normally this happens when everything is easily available to that person given by the family. When the person is brought up this way, choosing not to work has become a second nature.
The third major reason that can bring laziness into anyone’s life is when the person starts to feel satisfied with what they have right now. In another word, they are living in comfort zone. They have no interest of getting to the next stage in their life. They prefer to stay where they are because getting out of comfort zone is always perceived as difficult and also associated with uncomfortable feeling.
The last reason why people are lazy is because they have almost zero responsibilities to be taken care of. What this mean is nobody is relying on him. The only responsibility the person has is his or her own life. In another words, they only take care of themselves. It’s much easier for the person to fall into laziness trap when there is no outside responsibility.
Now you have four reasons why people become lazy. If you want to get over laziness, you just simply reverse these reasons. If you have no worthwhile goal, start thinking of one. Start developing burning desire for your goals. Change a lazy mindset to a productive mindset. Aim for higher goal to move out of your comfort zone. Take more responsibilities other than your own life.
With all these in mind, you can start doing something to stop laziness in your life. The key is to get started even with a small action. It doesn’t matter as long as you get started doing something. Start your journey for a better life today !
About the Author: Want to learn more how to overcome laziness and start taking action ? Get free report
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